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我的第四首翻唱正是MGMT的其中一首成名曲,KIDS:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhE4QB2EMiA

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MGMT 是一個獨特又有個性的樂團,不太在意別人的想法。
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In English
My fourth cover was one of MGMTs greatest hits, “KIDS”. This song was borderline traumatizing. If you were to see the music video you might be surprised by the degree they were willing to go in order to make this video—especially for the baby. I hope they did pay for the baby’s therapy sessions. 
A link to the original version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe4EK4HSPkI
But in other words, MGMT is a band that doesn’t really care what others think.
This song has very fast rhythms and beats in contrast to my version, and the reason is simple— one is that I can’t really do beats, and the other is that I was inspired by this extremely talented street artist who performed this version with a guitar on a crowded street. 
It also has incredibly meaningful lyrics. It talks about how children are free to cry and express themselves without fearing what others might think. Specifically, “Memories fade, like looking through a fogged mirror” further captures the true essence of “youth”. I hope you guys enjoy this song. 

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談到了第二首翻唱 (Link Here),就有點小小的興奮。這首翻唱的正是周杰倫的『聽見下雨的聲音』。
我兩版(周董和魏如昀的版本)都蠻喜歡的, 所以有點想結合周先生比較Rocker和魏如昀比較空靈的詮釋做為結合。我還記得第一次看MV的時後差還差點感動到哭(故事實在太悲傷了)

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在聽完 『我是歌手』徐佳瑩 翻唱的版本之後,我決定選了這首歌曲。她的演出真的很真誠,溫暖,並有一個很好的故事性 。 她的表演最終被她的前輩們選為那晚的冠軍(投票者包括唱將李玟)。



聽過不同版本之後,我決定在YouTube頻道上翻唱這首歌。而將這首歌加入精緻的 『調色盤』 (Lala 的另一首歌)融合在一起,便是再好不過的開始。

回頭看,我確實有很多技術上限制。很多時候我不得不把麥拉近拉遠來避免蘋果麥的破音。如果靠太近,麥也會產生水滴般的雜音。另一項須克服障礙是鋼琴聲的模糊性!當我從遠處錄音時,麥克風會收到背景中的嘶聲,使我必須採用Garage Band 過濾掉所有額外的噪音 。 總之,可改進的空間還很多。

繁忙之中,我得到朋友,Alex 的幫忙。他演奏了這首歌小提琴部分。他速度極快又精準,我希望我的歌聲也可以一樣的準確。

這是我第一次寫我對音樂翻唱的探討。回過頭來,我第一個翻唱的 『浪費/ 調色盤』已經是一年前的事了。我真的很高興。在今年的9月份,它也獲得了近乎700多個觀看。我會繼續做音樂和努力改進。


English Version: 

Here's to quickly recap my first music cover:  

I recorded the song after hearing Lala Hsu's version on "I'm a Singer," a famous Chinese singing program. Her interpretation was really sincere, warm and packed with a nice narrative arc— she ended up being crowned the winner by her peers that night (including the great Co-Co Lee).   

Yoga Lin's style, on the other hand, has a sense of hopelessness to it. You can clearly grasp his manly yet despondent attitude, while Lala's style was more like she was reminiscing about a past encounter. She started the song in a sweet tone, but eventually shifted toward a powerful ballad. Her fearlessness drove the song to an emotional climax.  

After hearing both versions, I decided to cover this song on my YouTube channel, and what better way to start off the channel than mixing LaLa and Yoga's interpretations with another great song of LaLa— "Color Palette." Driven by piano, "Color Palette" has a sense of lightness to it, similar to dancing. It’s also beautiful and chilling at the same time.

Looking back, I did have many technical limitations. Having used a simple Apple earbuds to record, I had to constantly pull back to avoid the mic being blown out. I also had to reduce the amount of ticking noise if I got too close.  Another obstacle I had to overcome was the blurriness of the piano sounds! When you record from too far away, the mic absorbs all the hisses in the background; I had to rely on garage band to filter out all the additional noises— there was still a lot of room for improvement. 

One support that I got was from my friend, Alex, who played the violin accompaniment of this music cover. He was super fast and precise to the point that I wished my singing could be as exact, too. 

There you have it! This is a slightly more in-depth exploration of my first music cover. Before I realized it, my first cover 'Wasted/Color Palette' was already dated a year ago. I'm really glad that it's gotten around 700 views as of September. I'll continue to make music and improve. 


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眨眼間,我已經在一年多前建立的YouTube Channel 發表了十個音樂影片!想起之前是因為被很多朋友的勇氣和才華感動才決定建立自己的音樂平臺。


在幾首哼哼唱唱之中,我也能與網路歌手Rosemary, 小提琴家Alex, Leta, 和與我一起打拼的鋼琴家Yi-Yin一起合作。最初發的『浪費|調色盤』如今已漸漸的邁入700個觀看,而總頻道觀看數超過了3,500!雖然比起很多當紅平臺還是很微不足道,但想起大家肯抽空收看已經心存感激。在有朋友,家人的鼓勵之下,在途中也成長了不多。今年也繼續加油!放棄很容易,繼續會更難,但我相信途中是值得的。如果可以留下幾首讓人想起我的歌也不賴。

下一首(預計九月底)我會再次跟動聲樂器的Yi-Yin合作,用男聲詮釋2017 美女與野獸的片尾曲『How Does a Moment Last Forever』。Let's tune in :)



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