談到了第二首翻唱 (Link Here),就有點小小的興奮。這首翻唱的正是周杰倫的『聽見下雨的聲音』。
我兩版(周董和魏如昀的版本)都蠻喜歡的, 所以有點想結合周先生比較Rocker和魏如昀比較空靈的詮釋做為結合。我還記得第一次看MV的時後差還差點感動到哭(故事實在太悲傷了)
如今,這首歌已超越688個人的點閱--不算多!但我推出頻道的本身也不是需要名氣,主要讓更多人聽見種種音樂的可塑性和詮釋。我相信經由磨練之後,音樂的品質可以上升。我也可以如願以償的把自創曲一一改編,po上來!大家敬請期待 :) 



English Version: 

I get a little emotional when I talk about my second music cover:  Jay Chou's “Rhythm of Rain.” Both versions  (Jay Chou and Queen's version) are equally great, so naturally, I tried to combine Mr. Zhou’s  more intense version with Queen's warm interpretation of the song. I remember almost shedding a tear when I saw the MV for the first time (the story was just too sad)!

For my cover, the more affectionate aspect of the song is presented in the first paragraph leading up to the chorus; hopefully, you guys can hear a sense of warmth in my voice. The second part, which is the more intense part, gradually escalates and builds on top of the electric guitar in the background. This cover definitely did not meet all my expectations, but the main concern I had was whether I had truly distinguished the two parts. 

Despite being the second song released on the channel, this cover was actually the first song I recorded— I was simply too hesitant to publish it— the end result did not reach all of my initial narrative arcs. But rather than telling me to stall, my friends told me to go ahead and publish the song. They wanted me to just improve as I begin to make more

I’m grateful that this cover has received more than 688 clicks as of today! It’s not much, but I did not create this channel to gain popularity. I only wished that people could hear all types of music being transformed and interpreted in creative ways. I’ll work hard to improve from here. Perhaps after a few covers, I can be brave enough to present my own compositions. Stay tuned! 

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